Tips from a Professional Makeup Artist : How to Do Makeup for Photography

Makeup for photography bases everything on having flawless skin, requiring you to pay close attention to how evenly you apply and powder your foundation. Lea…
Video Rating: 2 / 5

A dramatic eyeliner color such as the cactus-green liner in this example, applied with short strokes and blended with the fingers, makes the perfect finishin…


  1. Cris Triju says

    The makeup artist is more beautiful than the model….

  2. urag isa says

    nothing useful at all!!!

    sorry, but this is rubbish..

  3. Tallgirl83 says

    Oh yeah finally a real model and real mua. the last one u used was horrible .

  4. shareith70 says

    OMgosh!!! do you not believe in blending woman??? seriously. and yes, you can use liner as a base, but this looks horrible as a shadow. then again, everything you do on here looks horrible. please, for the love of everything good about makeup…stop making these videos! they are showing girls who are actually trying to learn the WRONG way of doing things!!!!

  5. MsJessyG says

    we use the eyeliner as…eyeliner…um ok lol

  6. EsteeDarla says

    Like always great great tips thanks for sharing

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