Song; Breathe Carolina – lovely.

Inspirational Scene Makeup Ideas

Song is not mine; Pictures are not mine.


  1. Toriie Drew says


  2. Ayiana Betts says

    A lot of those are edited to look more vibrant and a lot were probably found on google cuz I’ve seen a lot of those pics on google.

  3. Dolly Chaiinsaw says

    Every “scene” style of makeup I see looks the same…..

  4. Emma Vinson says

    x.x some of those girls’ mascara was aweful!!

  5. Kaitie Gizawintt says

    and raver lol

  6. Kayla Klein says

    on December 24,2006 at 8 o’clock in the mourning, a young 14 year old boy by the name of Scott Jackson was found dead.Doctors couldn’t come up with the cause of his death.His mother checked his emails to see if she could figure out what happened. Turns out he was still signed into myspace.She found he had gone to sleep after he read and didn’t repost a chain letter.if you don’t repost this to 6 videos a girl with no face will kill you tonight. Sorry don’t wanna die.

  7. HellokitydinoZ says

    @ iwuvrusselbrant I put SCENE to gEt more hits lovee U.U I dnt label.

  8. iwuvrusselbrant says

    at 40 seconds thats my cousin 0.o btw  you hAVE EMO AND SCENE MIXED up boo

  9. MindiBtchzgoRAW says

    😀 tried out the leopard print; lookz D’AWESOME! 🙂

  10. Mic Kaykay says

    most of this isnt scene it is emo or just some random shit a makeup artist did and labled as scene

  11. birtchfall123 says

    52 seconds jeffree star 😀

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