Selena Gomez & The Scene MakeUp Tutorial for kids by Emma 7 years old

How to do your make-up like Selena Gomez’s make-up on the picture on the cover of Selena Gomez & The Scene. By Emma, 7 years old. Follow us on twitter! MakeUp Used: Beauty Luxuries Pallet from Carson Piere Scott Mini Gloss BareMinerals Glazed Donut Hard Candy Liquid EyeLiner BigLash Mascara Loreal Color Match Foundation Music Used in Video: Intro music is an iMovie sound clip Background Music is Orange Glow by Josh Woodward


  1. alexandra jouan says

    tu resemble trop a selna gomez

  2. lc tomada says

    wow ilike the make up

  3. Summer Armstrong says

    I meant I am older than her……stupid keyboard……

  4. Summer Armstrong says

    She has more make-up than I do and she is older that me!!! Still very adorable and cute…..

  5. cecilebeia49 says


  6. mackenzieshaw123 says

    No one is ugly, no one is the cutest 🙂 It is not ugly, maybe your jealous, just don’t know it 🙂

  7. mackenzieshaw123 says

    Well, Everyone is cute. Your not the cutest, I’m not the cutest, she isn’t the cutest, Everyone is the same :D

  8. isingjoy says


  9. glam fab says

    you’re just freaking jealous because she’s super cute I’m 10 and i can see that she’s super cute i know you’re just giving you honest opinion but your opinion sucks

  10. nooni tariq says

    emma is the best

  11. nooni tariq says

    your so cute and you who left comnts your so maen she is cuter then you

  12. keniakayla says

    You aren’t cute

  13. keniakayla says

    Why does it says super cuteness I am cuter and IM 9 and in 4th grade

  14. maria luisa sanchez says

    She looks good but not so good

  15. Jimbo Yokimbo says


  16. lovelalaloopsy123 says

    shush noah vasiliou!

  17. pikachu22102 says

    Haters Gonna Hate!!!!BITCH

  18. reynantonio75 says

    Cute girl:)

  19. haely vega says

    you look like selena gomez

  20. haely vega says

    you look like selena gomez

  21. noah vasiliou says

    so ulgy

  22. cridermaui1 says

    so adorabel

  23. Divaqueen170 says

    So cute

  24. dezirae Carrillo says

    you are so cute

  25. erinmaxwell2004 says

    So  cute

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