Natural hair – hairstyle for fine/thin hair

PLEASE READ HERE: Here is a hairstyle idea for fine/thin hair to make your braids look less scalpy: – 1st STEP: Do your braids quite thin – but try to do the…
Video Rating: 3 / 5


  1. RachelsFilmsAndStuff says

    Ah zut, ma réponse n’avait pas été postée! Oui, je voulair dire “fine” parce que mes cheveux sont à la fois “fine” et “thin” :/

  2. wordinworld says

    Comme quoi le métissage est très beau, et ce n’est pas toi qui nous contredira Rachel ? 😉
    Рашелъ е много красива 😉

  3. RachelsFilmsAndStuff says

    No worries, I’m glad if it can help anybody, because I know it’s a struggle to have nice protective style when you don’t have thick hair!!

  4. RachelsFilmsAndStuff says

    Thanks you very much 🙂

  5. TwinsunLunacy says

    très joli protective style, bonne chance pour ton challenge, par contre, attention au “my hair is really thin” On entend “my hair is really fine” 0:24 ça fait bizarre ^^’
    En tout cas, j’aime bien les petites ondulations sur la fin.

  6. Lamine Sall says

    you are really sexy ;)

  7. OrenjiOrange says

    Thanks for sharing.

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