MALEFICENT (Angelina Jolie) inspired makeup tutorial

Ello! I can’t wait until Maleficent comes out. I love films like this. Angelina Jolie looks so beautiful and vampy in this film. I must apologise for my ligh…

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  1. Maegan Bace says

    Beautiful job! But y did you not include the hair tutorial? That really
    completes the look… Could u do one before fir evening or give a detailed
    description of what u did? Please and thank uļ»æ

  2. meganthespider says

    The makeup is absolutely beautiful but since the video has a wonky colour,
    it’s really hard to tell how worthwhile the colours are. ļ»æ

  3. LYDIA L-ADDAMS says

    wow. i love your hair like this , thats so great , a great idea! subbed as
    well ļ»æ

  4. BuupsaysMakeup says

    Very nice. I really like the white face. It’s more like Angelina jolie. I
    just did a video about maleficient as well, visit me ;)ļ»æ

  5. wisepuddles says

    I’m shocked you made those peaks out of your own hair. Wow.

    I learned quite a few new things here: adding a new tone to the face by
    putting color over bronzer, using a dark shade in the inner eye socket
    (that junction between the bridge of the nose and underside of brow) to
    look “sinister”, and pushing down on false lashes at the outer edge to make
    a sleeker eye. You really transcend other YouTube makeup artists–you’re a
    makeup wizard!
    Maybe you could do a compendium video of costume makeup tips and tricks,
    referencing your other completed tutorials? People might like it.ļ»æ

  6. bofsprucin says

    Happy New Year!

  7. youuglymonkey says

    Ahh! I love this! You’re amazing!!!ļ»æ

  8. So happy to see a new video from you!ļ»æ

  9. Amazing makeup! And the hair is fantastic too!! :-)ļ»æ

  10. wisepuddles says

    Happy New Year! Love your vids. Usually I wish your lighting were a bit
    warmer, or sunlight rather than lights, but you show up like a darling this

  11. is that a Blink 182 tattoo? XDļ»æ

  12. Isabella Lunarotic says

    you are looking sooo cute without makeup <3ļ»æ

  13. EllieJayden says

    I love the brushes you sent me šŸ™‚ I use them all the time! How are you by
    the way? I miss yoooou!<3

  14. EllieJayden says

    I was going to do that but I didn’t because the doll is porcelain. But yeah
    Wednesday’s doll has no head. I decided to let mine keep it’s head :p

  15. EllieJayden says

    Then you can skip step one! :p

  16. kayleighkill says

    Love this so much.

  17. Hans Brolo says

    I’m already this pale.

  18. Paul Timon says

    Excellent! I tried to achieve something like this a few years ago and
    failed miserably even with the (so-called) help from Makeup Forever. So
    this is good. We should include this in our shoot.

  19. EllieJayden says

    Thank you šŸ™‚

  20. EllieJayden says

    I got it on šŸ™‚

  21. EllieJayden says

    Thank YOU for watching! Have a great Halloween šŸ˜€ Send me a pic of your

  22. Madison Elizabeth says

    Very nice. The dolls kind of completes it.

  23. nugget247ful says


  24. EllieJayden says

    Awh thanks šŸ™‚ I love her so much x

  25. JurikoLovesHIM says

    I am pretty fine but stressed as fuck all the time.. I have much stuff to
    do and I was not in a great condition for the last months.. slowly I am
    getting better and hopefully I can come back to youtube soon.. =)

  26. Camilla Jensen says

    Just chop the head of that doll and it is perfect!:P

  27. Orla Louise says

    Im going to do a response to pet peeves but knowing me itll be 20 minutes
    long haha

  28. Yu The World says

    Wednesday! I often watched the movie when I was a kid

  29. EllieJayden says

    Thanks Paul! Awh definitely! šŸ˜€ It would be fun!

  30. Kawaii Espurr says

    Thank you for making this šŸ™‚ I’m being Wednesday for Halloween!

  31. I love this! Great job! Where did you get the dress?! šŸ™‚

  32. EllieJayden says

    Awh cool! šŸ˜‰ Thank you so much!

  33. Sean Williams says

    always pretty

  34. EllieJayden says

    Thanks! šŸ˜€ x

  35. KimiToxxxic says

    You look amazing girl!!!

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