Make Up Tips for Young Teens

Make Up Tips for Young Teens

Check out my Betsey Johnson giveaway: Hey guys! I wanted to do a make up tips video for teenagers – specifically young teens. I get so many messages asking for tips videos like these so I hope you enjoy it! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask away! The essence of the video is this – experiment with make up, have fun and be yourself. Don’t let anyone pressure you into wearing anything you’re not comfortable with and find your own make up path 🙂 Please comment, rate and SUBSCRIBE! Chyaz xox


  1. Sherry Waters says

    What should I do ? I have tiny eyes and I don’t know what would make them bigger , can you give me some advice?? 🙂

  2. Sonali Nagpal says

    Could you please make a video about what should be in a Young Teenager Makeup Kit! Any budget products that you recommend! Would absolutely love it! Thanks! 🙂

  3. Bridie Collins says

    Could you do a video on make up for school to hide blemishes and things to give a bit of a confidence boost. thanks

  4. editka panda says

    you’re just such a nice person. i just felt tired and a lil bit down, and i just watched your video where you’re so conftent, so nice and intellgent, made me feel better, thinking about stuff. love you!

  5. SimpleandCasual says


  6. christina mcdonled says

    can u do a video with blue and siliver and i am 13 and i have brown eyes

  7. haley hernandez says

    my name is cat and my sis bella are make fashoin and make up tips videos for teens and other pepole
    plzz giv me some info

  8. Lauren Barbieri says

    Oops I can’t spell I ment myheartbleeds1331

  9. Lauren Barbieri says

    OMG myheartbleads1331 we are like the dame but I’m eleven so it makes science that my mom wont let me wear very much

  10. alexy28210 says

    where did u get that shirt?!?!?!?!?!? please message back!

  11. myheartbleeds1331 says

    I know my style but my mom wont let me wear black eyeshadow and as much eyeliner as a want. Extremely hard being a young teen and goth -_________-

  12. WhatTheHell12689 says

    Thanks! =D

  13. Lol you pronounced tutorials wrong

  14. Amber Lautner says

    Thank you so much that helped a lot

  15. Molly Baynes says

    Thanks that really helped me coz I am not the one who really wears makeup So thank you now I know when u go out with my friends it won’t be embarrassing to wear makeup anymore

  16. VintageGirl96 says

    you honestly seem like the nicest person alive. just saying :)

  17. nicole neighbors says

    how do you get rid of your pimples if you have any?

  18. CMLCMLCML2 says

    AH. ASDKFJ. You’re so lucky!

  19. punkchyaz says

    aw thank you! And I drive past his house all the time 🙂 x

  20. punkchyaz says

    I drive past his house all the time hehe :) x

  21. dolly flower says

    Great video liked the tips xx

  22. RainyorSunnyEnding says

    I have found that Miss Sporty’s SoClear coverstick is AMAZING!!! It heals spots while you wear it so that you could wear it for a couple of days and then have no further use for it until the next breakout! Also, you can put it on with an oil-free moisturizer (my favourite is the Clinique anti-blemish solutions one). That way you have an almost foundation, or a tinted moisturizer, and it is lighter and easier to blend in. I can’t recommend it enough!

  23. When I was mid-teens, all the magazines went on and on about how you absolutely had to wear blush, all the time, or you’d look washed out. I’d pack on the blush and looking at the photos now, I can see that it didn’t suit me at all. These days, I mostly wear only foundation, and I don’t bother with blush at all – turns out I actually like the slightly-washed-out look, and my cheeks are naturally pink enough to show through. My advice to anyone would be don’t follow the “rules” if you don’t want.

  24. AsylumBunny says

    This video is so helpful! 😀 I’m an older teenager but the tips are still really great and applicable! <3

  25. Svarteoslizzom says

    When I was 10 I just used a light purple eyeshadow at school, I didn’t wear any mascara, 1: I was to young, and 2: My lashes has always been pretty dark even though I’m a natural blond. I startet wearing mascara and eyeliner when I was 12. And I started wearing a bit of foundation when I was 15. 

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