How To Straighten Hair – Get Silky Smooth Straight Hair

How To Straighten Hair - Get Silky Smooth Straight Hair

How to straighten curly, wavy frizzy hair with a flat iron, hair straighteners.


  1. Jennifer Marie says

    That hair straightener doesnt work at all, but this vid is 5 years old.

  2. sugarspices30 says

    Nice hair colour!

  3. maryam65650 says

    Her hair is already straight aaaahhhhhh

  4. rmnlovesyou says

    …there is nothing straight about her hair.

  5. Amanda Shepherd says

    wow … not everybody has pin straight hair to begin with! how about for the people who have super wavy,or curly hair? you dont even need to straighten your hair!

  6. soeluvsu08 says

    save $10 from folica for ANY product! >< i bought this sedu straightener from there and i love it! go on my channel in the comment section i posted a link!

  7. lilifishy says

    That’s Nice. 😛

  8. AerovexSystems says

    Get the straight facts along with lovely, smooth hair! Without the proper ventilation cosmetologists may be over exposed to excessive levels of formaldehyde or glutaraldehyde, so they should invest in an efficient ventilation system. A “Chemical Source Capture System” removes these potentially harmful vapors from the breathing zone of both the stylist and client. Search “Chemical Source Capture System”, “Hair Smoothing Controversy” or “Preferred BKT Ventilation” for additional information.

  9. Really? Humanity these days…

  10. SheilaBeela87 says

    Wow the description says “how to straighten curly, wavy frizzy hair” WTF?! How about actually doing the video with someone that has “curly, wavy frizzy hair”

  11. Louboutinify says

    w w w . chionlinesale . c o m
    Every women loves beautiful,so, they try every possible thing to keep themselves looking beautiful

  12. Lorena Petric says

    Nope.No difference.

  13. Captain Obama says

    go to 0:13
    now go to 1:13 at the end
    can anyone tell whats THE FREKIN DIFFERENCE?

  14. Tori Mac says

    She should’ve done someone elses hair & it shouldve been probably curly . , and why do you straighten it, if it’s already straight? Lol, just curious .

  15. gianna x. says

    what the fuck.
    Your hair is the same from beginning to end, your ends aren’t even straight
    On the other hand, you are a great scammer -.-

  16. honeymcentire12 says

    some ppl dont have your type of hair and second your hair is already straight sooo umm ….. that doesnt count at all sorry !!!

  17. jaayForever says

    this video sucks & isnt helpful hahah..everyone check out my channel to learn how to really straighten curly/thick hair!(:

  18. KateW6598 says

    theres no point in straightening it if its already straight..

  19. JasmineNicoleFlores says

    Are you serious….

  20. madebyglitZ says

    check out my straightening tutorial for legit straightening………

  21. TheCarolineVlogs says

    Check out my hair straightening tutorial using a Titanium straightener!

  22. Bratzloverfashion000 says

    I take that harsh

  23. memememetry says

    we already know how to straighten hair, we just wanna know how to get it STRAIGHTER!

  24. lilifishy says

    It can still ruin her hair So yo ubetter check what you writing before saying anything. You probably don’t even have any hair. 😛

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