HOW TO: Contour and Highlight | Drugstore & High End Version

HOW TO: Contour and Highlight | Drugstore & High End Version

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  1. Katherine Christopher says

    why isnt MAC OR BOBBI BROWN, SOLD IN drug stores????

  2. Katherine Christopher says

    how come you DONT USE FOUNDATION?

  3. AutumnAesthetics says

    Looks like shit tbh. Not even going to sugarcoat it. 

  4. I actually think I like the drugstore side better 

  5. Micaila Wood says

    is there cheaper duo fiber brushes?

  6. SaMmY NiChsTyLe says

    is this a drag queen? not hating just asking. love the tips! going to try
    it tonight.

  7. Genesis Guadalupe says

    Where did you get your beauty blender ? I’ve been looking but I never find
    the really spongy one 

  8. Donetta Alvarez says

    This is the best one ive seen, you make it look so easy, I Vought all my
    stuff and I tried it and I ended up looking like a pumpkin

  9. Frankie Belmain says

    You are absolutely GORGEOUS in every way! Keep up the awesome work! tysm
    for sharing and helping. :D

  10. they look similar but high end looks more bold and dramatic. but I don’t
    think its worth all the extra cash so drug storeee :*

  11. Aminah Khan says

    Awesome sauce!! I can totally do this! Thanks chicka!!

  12. Hopefully you can do a video similar next time… I think less makeup suits
    you more, you are so naturally beautiful that you don’t need your eyes,
    eyebrows, lips, contours and highlights to be so bold. Maybe tone down
    eyebrows and eyeshadow…. And your natural beauty will suit this contour
    and highlight routine.

  13. sugarcube700 says

    I just painted my apartment, and I did the same thing on my walls. You are
    crazy putting all that shit on your face. You look like you have poop
    smudged on your forehead. I would love to see you without makeup, I’m sure
    you are even more gorgeous !!!

  14. ProudKansan08 says

    Thank you for doing that. I can’t afford high end. Glad to see you can
    achieve the same results with drug store brands, even, though, on my tight
    budget, sometimes those things are a little high, too. But, it gives me
    ideas and something to save for and buy later on down the line.

  15. jennifer garcia says

    It looks really nice (:

  16. Srishti sweet says

    Would you recommend the nyc powder or a cream bronzer to contour? 

  17. Renee Smith says

    Honestly, can’t tell a difference, drugstore, nor “highend” appears to have
    a definite noticeable difference :)

  18. Katherine Christopher says


  19. Maricela Hernandez says

    Love this! Btw I have that shirt in black (:

  20. linlovesbeauty says

    Great Idea to use High End and Drugstore Products and both sides of your
    face! Looove your videos! They’re always so helpful 🙂 

  21. Danielle Baumgartner Tippens says

    “I don’t care. I’m not tryin ta have no lines!” lol Nicole thanks for this
    video- I feel like contouring is so much easier now!

  22. TomCherrybomb says

    you’re so wonderful and talented, i expect to watch every video you have <3
    omg you're just so perfect and i love how you are so specific !

  23. Natalie Avila says

    Great video!!!

  24. Coily Autumn says

    You really can’t tell the difference between the drug store and high end
    contouring.. it looks good!

  25. Maria Torres says

    love it help me out a lot thanks love

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