Episode one! With the scene kid

Claudia loveless that’s me might be hanging out with a real scene kid to see if i am look at the episode of Claudia with a actual scene kid and find out amig…
Video Rating: 1 / 5

Some people asked me to do this 🙂 so yeah here we are 🙂 Songs- Millionaires- alcohol Brokencyde+scene kids www.myspace.com/ashleyxrocksxmcr.
Video Rating: 3 / 5


  1. punkpop13 says

    I wasn’t aiming it toward you. I know it has been here since who knows
    when. But people who have a fear of change talk shit about your and/or
    scene make up. I like your video, I was finally talking back. I actually
    like your make up and some says it sucks and it doesn’t

  2. PriscySky says

    Millionares! (:

  3. pinkypuffter says

    love it,,, dont listen to any morons 🙂

  4. Sheridan626 says

    @roxyroxyou and @samanthachristine89 You both are complete idiots! you are
    arguing over a youtube video for no reason at all. Everyone has their
    opinions, obviously both of your opinions doesn’t even matter. I mean
    really, in your cruel and glacial comments you both pointed out that both
    of you were trying to sound smart, well guess what? neither of you sound
    smart and obviously if your sitting on youtube and arguing over a comment
    then you don’t have a life to begin with, so get one.

  5. sk8erchick888 says

    that took a long time

  6. punkpop13 says

    All you haters are fucking stupid. This girl never did anything to you.
    Unless you have another reason talk shit dont. You’re just scared of change.

  7. angeltiger25414 says

    love the soundtrack 🙂 and the makeup!

  8. samanthachristine89 says

    @roxyroxyou i know you’re not trying to sound smart, obviously. also do you
    even know how hypocritical you are being right now? talk about rude
    comments. why do people put videos on youtube to begin with? TO GET PEOPLE
    TO JUDGE. i’m just telling my opinion and if you don’t like that then keep
    talking because i have no problem responding even a thousand times to your
    rubbish. see, and i can get my point across without being belligerent

  9. swissmizznina says

    @EllieJellyox If people are still doing the scene style, then I don’t think
    it can be considered dead? And besides. Fads and Styles come and go over
    and over again, and if it did die in 2007/8 then maybe it is coming back
    just like millions of other styles.

  10. butane0kisses says

    you have all the supplies, but you dont have the skills.. it took you way
    to long to do that look. just be creative and experiment with the colors
    and see what you come up with.

  11. AshleyPlastic says

    and thats old hahaha 🙂 tbh its almost summer again so what a year old
    thats old to me x

  12. kyolove1 says

    i love your make up it’s realy cute! XD

  13. stigmata diabolical says

    ew millionaires.

  14. swissmizznina says

    @TehyaViolet Or maybe she just likes that kind of music?

  15. douglas lala says

    What a pathetic shit talker. why did u watch her video if “people like her”
    make u wanna “throw up” ? DUMB ass! people like u are annoying. So annoying
    infant that i had to reply to your stupid, shit talking,hating comment.

  16. HayJay618 says

    You look like your annoying. o.o

  17. LOL, she didn’t reply, looks like her vocabulary isn’t that good. Well
    done. 🙂

  18. temarigirl160 says


  19. douglas lala says

    Who are u to determine the rating of this video?. i would like too see you
    make a, and post up for people to judge, people have different stiles,and
    if u don’t like it, there is no reason for u to judge. If i use curse worse
    is not because im trying to “act smart” its because people who post
    mean,rude comments, piss me off. ok :] so keep ur rude ASS! comments to
    your self Samanthachristine.

  20. whateverrulez says

    If its dead even better so people can be truly different!

  21. AshleyPlastic says

    ellie dont matter tbh i think its funny, i love people who hate when this
    vid is SO old its just epicly funny

  22. jasmine galeas says

    This video isn’t “so” old. IT’S FROM THE SUMMMMMER! hahhaha. you musst be
    brut4444444l right? xD

  23. Youkoumuffin says


  24. Aries Vengeance says

    reallly cutee hun (:

  25. samanthachristine89 says

    also, none of this makes the video any better. It still sucks

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