DIY PROM: Design Your Own Dress With SEAM BLISS

PLEASE READ I wanted to kick off my DIY Prom series with the most important category: THE DRESS. Seam Bliss will change the game for prom and formal season, …


  1. Kaylin Ashley says

    Hi Mallory! I saw this video a while back so of course I looked into seam
    bliss. So I’ve been scared about using it because I saw some people had
    posted what they wanted but had no bids! (I’ve checked back on them) so did
    you ever get your dress?

  2. You really look like Carrie Underwood in this video

  3. Elle Is For Living says

    Absolutely love this idea/site! I might use this for formal Christmas
    parties. Thank you 🙂 xoxo Elle

  4. Tammy Corrigan says

    this site is absolutely amazing

  5. cindy wyant says

    You look absolutely Stunning! What a great idea. 

  6. Miss Jane Ashley says

    Sounds like an awesome website! I struggle finding dresses that meet all of
    my standards, so if I ever need a formal dress I’ll totally be checking
    this out! Also, I loooooove your top! Its gorgeous! ~ Jane

  7. mallory1712 says

    DIY PROM: Design YOUR OWN Dress with Seam Bliss! #prom

  8. Robin Feinberg says

    Mallory, your channel was hacked. I got a crazy email from you telling me
    I was a winner and had to complete an offer (which costs money) in order to
    receive the prize. Now, I KNOW it wasn’t you, but you should be aware of
    this. I’m sorry. :(

  9. MakeupByLindsey91 says

    This is so awesome! Can we go back in time just so I can design a dress??
    That would have been awesome!! 

  10. Loveqvc Lovetheq says

    Omg amazing where did you get your shirt from its gorge. Do they make
    blouses or just dresses ?

  11. Ellie Thorn says

    I love your hair-do!

  12. Kristen Williams says

    You look incredible in this video! I hope tutorials for hair & makeup are
    coming 🙂 

  13. Your eye makeup is beautiful

  14. JuliesBeautyDish says

    I’m 35 and have no real need for this website, but I think it’s so cool! I
    would have been in heaven if this were around when I was in high school. 

  15. Theresa Speicher says

    Mallory I received an email saying I was the winner of a t-shirt from you.
    Is this true and if so why do I have to fill out a sells questionare asking
    a lot of info from me.

  16. Nataly Lopez says

    Love the idea! <3 can't wait for the makeup and hair tutorial 

  17. You look beautiful! 

  18. Kayla Traxler says

    Where did you get your earrings? They’re gorgeous! 

  19. blahblahblah007ish says

    I actually made my own prom dress last yr for my senior prom 🙂 got a ton
    of compliments

  20. Brittany Talley says

    Where is your shirt from? So cute! 

  21. blair johnston says

    I really hope you do a makeup/inspiration video for different colour
    dresses. My dress is a royal blue and I wear a lot of makeup daily so I
    need to do something more dramatic (in Canada we have grad not prom, and
    it’s only for the grads not like a junior or senior prom) and I’m stumped
    on what to do! 

  22. Purplemonkey1307 says

    THANKYOU!!! I have my year 12 formal next year so this is amazing to have
    found this! I honestly thought I was going to have to go with an ok dress
    that i only sort of liked. thankyou

  23. You are so beautiful!! I think I’m going to try out that website and see if
    someone could possibly replicate my dream Elie Saab dress…fingers

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