DIY Mineral Makeup

Pressing Tutorial: Ingredients were purchased from TKB Trading I have no affiliation with any of the manufacturers…
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. You are amazing! I am closely studying your eye shadow pressing videos so I can figure out how to do it on my own. I always thought pressing eyeshadows with natural ingredients was impossible until I saw your videos, you make it seem so easy!

  2. Oxana124 says

    it’s made for DVDs or CDs, I got it at WalMart

  3. Sandra P. says

    Where did you get your nice storage binders?

  4. Oxana124 says

    you saw them all, that’s all I have. I have made more that I have used up already, and then other ones I have given to friends/family, but all the ones I currently have are the ones I showed 🙂

  5. Oxana124 says

    I collected all these TKB ingredients over a long period of time, so it was many many packages. So I don’t have a haul video or anything like that. But in terms of review, I do really like their ingredients, and I’m sure it is individual, but I have had a good experience making my own makeup with them.

  6. Oxana124 says

    You are very welcome, glad you enjoyed. The handheld grinders are easier to clean than the coffee ones. The blades stick out more, so they are easier to wipe. Plus all your powder end up in the little cup so you don’t have to scrape it our of anywhere. I mix the stuff for pressing into it right off the bat, right into the little plastic cup(before mine broke that is), so there is less cleanup overall.

  7. ushouldletmeloveu says

    hey do u have a review for tkb trading??? and wut kind of package did u get?

  8. wahinepaddler4 says

    How awesome are you!! Thank you for sharing all your great for doing that!!

    I’ve seen those handheld grinders..seem like a good option..ive always wondered about getting those blades clean..

    Thanks again great video!

  9. Telly9009 says

    Hey Oxana! Thanks for this video. It was very helpful. Now I feel like making my own makeup. =)

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