Annabelle Makeup Tutorial THE CONJURING

Check out my HALLOWEEN MAKEUP PLAYLIST for more inspiration: How I cover my eyebrows: https://www.yo…
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. BeautyLiciousInsider says


  2. EastwoodFilms says

    I’M SO EXCITED THAT YOU POSTED I WAS SO BORED OMG! I would absolutely love
    it if you, or anyone reading this comment, would check out my most recent
    video and give me any sort of advice, tips or and feedback in general about
    my video and how I can better myself in special effects makeup, I would
    really appreciate it!! Anyone else have a channel dedicated to fx makeup?
    let me know! – Dylan 

  3. MissKittyVicious says

    I have a 4yr old daughter that I just happened to name Annabelle. I picked
    that name because it was uncommon at the time. Now, since The Conjuring
    came out my adorable and sweet (well, most of the time) baby girl’s
    beautiful name has been associated with a creepy demon doll. I guess I
    can’t complain much seeing as how I named her Annabelle Lee after a Edgar
    Allan Poe poem. Edgar Allan Poe was pretty creepy himself. Lol!! And before
    anyone says anything, yes, I know I didn’t spell Annabelle the same way as
    it is in the poem. I thought it looked prettier this way. :)

  4. goldiestarling says
  5. Jane Lewis says

    Did anybody else notice sasha from faceoff just did a similar makeup?
    Theyre both excellent.

  6. WARPAINT & Unicorns says

    The Conjuring was a great film but Annabelle makes me face palm. What human
    in the right mind would keep a doll that looks that CREEPY in their house.
    lol It would have been cool if they showed her before she was broken down
    and slowly decade her through the movie. 

  7. Elena Panagopoulos says

    this is the creepiest yet coolest thing i have ever seen

  8. Elizabeth Brown says

    my name is Annabella not with an e at the end and when my friends say my
    name they say Annabelle GOD I HATE THE DEMON DOLL

  9. Erica M Tilley says

    This turned out so creepily awesome! The clear gloss really just completes
    the whole look of a doll. Do you know if there’s anything else you could
    use if you don’t have an airbrush system? 🙂 Can’t wait to see what’s next!

  10. Ayleen Narvaez says

    No hash tag this video? I’ll make on up. #creepyassdoll

  11. Annabelle Ta says

    Höhö 😀 🙂 same Name 😀 

  12. vixenVIPER says

    I LOVE how “bored” you sound. Relaxed is probably a better word. I can’t
    stand people who are so fake, happy and loud during tutorials. Gives me
    headaches! >.<

  13. Julianne Neyland says

    You very much captured the texture and like idk the way light reflects from
    her plastic/wood face. You did really good! :D

  14. Charlie Jane says

    This is soooooo amazing! It’s by far the best Annabelle makeup I’ve seen!!

  15. Blair Aokigahara says

    This is the ONLY Annabelle makeup that actually looks good.

    All the other youtube tutorials look a mess

  16. TwilightKittty AJ says

    wuv it <3 😀 

  17. MellyNicky says

    Very cool!

  18. kareer-fenty says

    The intro is scary! Good job with the makeup :)

  19. Jordane Sheldon says

    Love it 

  20. Shard of Glass says

    You NEVER fail to amaze me Angie. NEVER. <3

  21. Francesca Barela says


  22. ginagina909 says

    Still have never seen the movie, but have seen lots of tutorials. As always
    it looks great! I just made a clown tutorial and I hate clowns lol!

  23. Ramblingsby Cat says

    Amazing tutorial! 

  24. Bliss Fancy says

    Ooohh, love this look! What would you recommend as a at home or drugstore
    product to achieve that same shiny effect? I’m thinking some sort of
    Vaseline product or simply clear lip gloss? Messy but effective perhaps :)

  25. Miquel Wagemakers says

    You’ve got scary eyes really! And that’s so cool!!

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