10 Short Hair Styles

To see a pic of Danielle’s haircut go here. http://sunniebrook.com/blog/?p=1910 www.daniellecedillo.com www.sunniebrook.com/blog twitter: @sunniebrook Facebo…


  1. sdlisteri says

    I like the hair styles and you are just too pretty and cute : )

  2. Kristina Talley says

    you are awsome

  3. mrinalblogs says

    ahh…bone structure.

  4. Candyleg34 says

    You look like you’re having so much fun omg!! brill videoooo

  5. MischievousRose says

    good coz my hair is exactly like yours!

  6. Candice Lucero says

    1 Helena foster the people 2 Electric Feel MGMT

  7. Hannah Watson says

    This mite help me!!! Thank you so so much! 🙂

  8. misscherrylovsinging says

    WOW those cheekbones could compare with sherlock!

  9. Stella Hangats says

    my hair JUST LIKE your hair!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. TheZeledaki says

    you are so beautiful!! Thank you for your ideas! Now I can do something nice for my hair!!!

  11. Camila Contreras says

    su cara es preciosa cualquier peinado le viene!

  12. Angelove219 says

    She’s very beautiful

  13. Kristine Lopez says

    cute look, very chic / hipsterish.. these songs remind me of american eagle when I used to work there lol .

  14. hipnhappenin says

    1. Yeah, if I had bone structure like yours, I could pull off 10 hair styles, too.
    2. You’re my music soul mate! Two of my all-time favorite songs!

  15. Sue Guzmán says

    i like your music taste~~

  16. RGBeautyTV says

    I Love your Bone Structure!!!

  17. Dysentery Gary says

    she’s so cute ^_^

  18. Cupcake898789 says

    you look like rose from vampire diaries

  19. Lina Durango says

    yo are very cute,I love your hair!

  20. Bailey Dassing says

    I really want to cut off my long hair in to this. I was thinking a bit longer, but honestly this cut suits you perfectly! You look so cute and youthful… Definitely inspiring and you gave SO many great ideas.

  21. songaili says

    MGMT – Electric Feel 🙂

  22. Omary Perez says

    What’s the name of that song?

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