Makeup for older women

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  1. LittleMissMakeupTV says

    @dalenat Thank you so much :)!

  2. LittleMissMakeupTV says

    @TheJessob Thank you so much :)!

  3. LittleMissMakeupTV says

    @CHW8094 Thank you :)!

  4. Christa Lupton says

    Beautiful and thank you for making this video!

  5. LittleMissMakeupTV says

    @tedoymisojos Thanks so much :)!

  6. LittleMissMakeupTV says

    @1sexymotherpucker Thank you, and thanks for watching! 🙂

  7. LittleMissMakeupTV says

    @plasmaticat Thanks – I appreciate your feedback :)!

  8. Y2KMOMMY says

    She looks great!

  9. warriornunariela says

    This is such a beautiful look on her; thank you for this video! Would you
    consider making another for older women that has slightly more dramatic and
    smoky eyes? I’ve found it challenging to create a look that accentuates my
    eyes for evening events without looking foolish or aging me more. The
    makeup on this video is lovely for everyday but my eyes would just
    disappear in a low light situation.

  10. LittleMissMakeupTV says

    @Y2KMOMMY Thanks a lot :)!

  11. The subject looks beautiful and the lipstick is perfect for her skin
    coloring. Nice teeth btw.

  12. Liz Torres says

    Wow, at the end she looked very radiant, youthful, with sparkle! That
    lipstick shade was amazing on her

  13. brooklyn ballet says

    Her eyes are soo pretty

  14. plasmaticat says

    You did an amazing job 🙂

  15. TheJessob says

    this is a good look for her.. great job!

  16. LittleMissMakeupTV says

    @danceNowAnd4ever Thank you! 🙂

  17. LittleMissMakeupTV says

    Thank you, you’re welcome. I will see what I can do! 🙂

  18. maribelru2011 says

    I cringed when you put on the creams and primer so much down motion on
    under her eyes and cheeks! Doing that often will age her skin

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