뮬 내츄럴 메이크업 1호_MULE Natural Make-up for Light Skin

메이크업 아티스트 정샘물의 오랜 현장 경험과 노하우를 바탕으로 얼굴 속 비밀 법칙을 집대성하여 탄생시킨 메이크업 멘토링 브랜드 MULE. 메이크업을 즐기는 모든 여성들의 주요 관심사인 내추럴, 퍼펙트, …
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. Grace Frederica says

    WOOO the makeup is really cool..! i wonder i can purchase that


  3. Me want those products!!!! Where can I buy it?

  4. do you have any models who have oily/combo skin because i want to see some
    products that are meant for oily skin like me

  5. eggzone?

  6. Melisa Soetarso says

    I want the model’s skin!!

  7. i was so excited when i saw u launch your own line. Congratulations.

  8. Florence Wong says

    any online shop for selling MULE products ?

  9. MsElizabeff says

    woah, your products are very interesting, they’ve got like extra features?
    it’s cool, hope i can purchase some! 🙂

  10. can’t find the cosmetic website for MULE. Anyone know where I can?

  11. Tea23blabla says

    your videos look like girls makeup games :))

  12. evilfrogger1 says

    Thank you so much for providing subs for us who do not read Korean
    (especially a foreigner like me who can’t speak it either lol)! The model
    is gorgeous and her skin looks absolutely amazing!

  13. coquettish21 says

    OHMY! I want those makeup now! MULE makeup seem so classy yet chic to bring
    especially for women of all ages.

  14. PrincessSakuno says

    wow the products look amazing!

  15. mashikumimi says

    Congratulation!! It looks so interesting and new ! I would love buying and
    trying it…

  16. kimydeguzman says

    I need that foundation/concealer in my life!! So awesome!!!

  17. RainDropsDanii says

    The products are cool! I want some 😀 The model has such white skin… I am

  18. porkybunbun604 says

    looks cool!

  19. I hope your products will be available worldwide! Would LOOOOVE to get my
    hands on your products!! 🙂

  20. The press button thing is so cool!

  21. I love all of your videos!!!

  22. Christine Lee says

    세계적인 브렌드가 되셔서 해외에서도 구입 가능해졌으면 좋겠어요 ㅅ

  23. i want the set now…not sure which one would be suitable for my skin
    color…i’m Asian

  24. The foundation looks good, but is there some place I can buy it in U.S?

  25. jungsaemmool says

    Unfortunately, we are not selling overseas yet. We have the official ‘Saem
    Mool Jung’ Facebook Fan Page and you can find recent updates! Thank you

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